Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ever wonder?

Sometimes I wonder if when we're born it is decided that some will be soldiers and others healers and followers and things like that. Not only in war but in life. Always trying to protect or comfort or help mend a broken heart or hurt feeling. If so, is it possible to change this or are we always destined to be what we are in spite of our wants?


Penny said...

Dude, that is one serious-assed question that requires several drinks, some Pink Floyd and lotsa candles to really discuss well.

I'm a definite believer in fate, though.

Take that as you will.

Danikabur said...

I wonder the same thing. I also agree with Penny that question requires several drinks.

Callie said...

Please, no more alcohol. I'm seriously on the wagon.


The manner in which we're raised and the people most important to us help dictate how we'll be. After that, it's usually how we're treated, and what we define as important to us. A person can start out nice and friendly and willing to help. If that person takes an emotional beating from people taking advantage of him/her, the attitude will change. We may WANT to be seen as a helper/healer/soldier, but life lessons do more to determine what we really are.

lowk said...

Ladies, if I start drinking around you that'll be the last question on my mind. I did'nt think is was all that serious though. But I do like the candles, drinks and beautiful women idea.

lowk said...

Ya know, maybe we are giving a specific duty in this world and rather than letting lifes ups an downs determine our end result. We are given a chance to live up to the task and are judged by whether or not we fullfill our detiny that is provided. Regardless of the obsticles of life. Would that be a bases for determining strentgh of character?

Chris said...

If you listen to the little voices in our head they will tell you waht to do....just kidding. :)

MYSTIC said...

1 bottle of: Jose Cuervo La Reserva Dela Familia Tequila. Some soft music, somebody's birthday and a full moon. WHAT WAS THE QUESTION? Would somebody please tell Calli and LOWK to put their clothes back on and get out of the pool.
I do believe we all are sent here with a is up to us to figure it out.

MYSTIC said...

PS: I thought I saw Chris sitting at the end of the bar.....Dang! I got to stay away from Tequila!!!

lowk said...

Chris, I already cleaned the guns like I was told.

Mystic. We'll get outta the pool when we're damn good and ready. ( as soon as I"m done.)

What is it with tequila? Does'nt anyone drink whiskey anymore? Or at least mescal. (dibs on the worm)

Anonymous said...

hmmm not sure about that question lowk. . . .I would like to think that we all have our own "destiny" (you know like Luke Skywalker) but who knows. I like what Cali says, there is some deffinate truth in that! But if we all do have a certain destiny, why are some of us destined to find love and some of us not?? Huh. . . answer that! "Nothing lasts forever, so what makes love the exception!"

Incase you are wondering who I am it is me. . . Mac! :) XOXO Course I am sure the negitive love comment gave me away!

lowk said...

country girl, finding love is a matter of being where you need to be when that person is there. No one ever said we are put on this earth close to the person we need to fall in love with. Lotsa folks find someone with enough qualities to like them enough and true love grows from being with them long enough. Others don't make it. It took 400 miles for me to find callie.

Anonymous said...

Well I still think Love is over-rated. . . . but not opposed to changing my mind!! :) And if I do you will be amoung the first top 5 to know!! :)

lowk said...

Believe me, it isn't overrated. Just different.
Your life changes and you rethink your priorities. For some being single till they die is fine. They do everything they've evr dreamed of. Other regret not finding someone to share everything with. It's all a matter of what you want. And what are you willing to give-up for it.

Chris said...

So true lowk!

lowk said...

See, I not az stoop-id as they thought.