Monday, June 05, 2006

Calm at last

Well things have finally calmed down. No emeegencies or injuries. And I've finally got an idea about how I want my next bike to look. It's been sitting for a year because I could'nt decide what I wanted it to look like. Well, I've started buuilding the oil tank now. I know how I want it to look and work. It would be much faster building it if I had a tig welder at home. But Santa knows I have'nt been THAT good. Oh well, I'll get it done. And I'll be doing all the prep work on the frame and tin not to mention the painting too. I'll save the engine modifications till I see how it performs. Maybe shave the flywheels first.


Callie said...

You're more than good, sweetie. ;-)

And if I could give up this bag a day sunflower seed habit, I could probably save for a down payment on one, at least.

As long as I don't have to understand everything you tell me when you talk about your assembly process. Just understand that nods and blank smiles and "mmm hmmm" is about the best I'm going to be able to do when you go off on your mechanical tangents, okay?

lowk said...

spiol sport

Chris said...

Is Callie one of those biker mommas that ride on the back?

lowk said...

Not even close. Although She likes the ride she's never been thrilled with anything longer than a few miles.