Monday, June 12, 2006

Here's a question

Has anyone ever heard a song that has brought tears to their eyes every time they've heard it? Sounds mushy and overly sensitive but every time I hear the song Honey or even a reference to it. I get misty eyed. For those of you who are old enough to know this song it is sad. But For me it holds almost the same meaning. By that I mean when I was 9yrs old my mom passed away, and it was in the early spring and all she wanted was for me to be good. I guess at some point I forgot that and did whatever I wanted, but that song has always reminded me of her and still brings tears to my eyes. And I still miss her to this day. 38years later and I still cry.


Penny said...

I don't know the song, but I understand what you're saying.


I'm sure she's proud of you, Lowk.

Callie said...

I love you, sweetheart.

lowk said...

thank you both. But there was a question asked.

MYSTIC said...

In answer to your question..NO I do not associate any songs with sad events. You seem to have attached that song to your Mom. Not bad but I never have made that kind of attachment, mine always cause me to smile. I just don't show emotion that way. LONG IRISH STORY! It is great that you are moved to remember your Mom in that song. I supress that stuff. My Bust I guess. I show emotion but very rarely and you have to really look for it because I don't show it long. If my kids see me tear up it destroys them. They learned from their Mom and are emotional basket cases when a bug dies...It is a good thing. Sometimes I wish I could show it...but I can't. I feel it but can't show it. It's very very rarely seen in me. It's just how I was raised.

lowk said...

I don't show emotion that often but when I do it's because I've been holding back.