Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life ain't boring with kids.

Well it seems that my off-spring has given me more to post. (Be sides post nasal drip. We're sick AGAIN!) Tuesday while I was home sick with munchin, kidlet had started the day Great. She got her self up and made her own breakfast and was especially quite because she knew we were sick. Then she rode her bike and got herself to school for the first time. I was so proud. She tried soo hard to try and make things easy for me. When she called at 3:00 pm I was feeling better. But when I heard her at the door I was surprised to see this look of confusion and hurt on her pretty face. She tried to tell me what happened in a shaky voice but was unclear. I pulled her bike in the house and she hugged me and started crying. Apparently she crashed for the first time on her bike. Once I understood what she was saying I checked her for injuries. Poor thing managed to ride two blocks to get home with only a small scrap on her left cheek and a mouse under her left eye but the worst was some bruises and scraps on her left shoulder. Both hands took a little scrap but that was enough. Munckin saw her big sis in pain and crying and jumped right in getting band-aid and cold compresses to make her sis feel better. I tried to make kidlet feel better with the age old bikers law. "There are only two types of bikers. The ones who've gone down, and Those that are going down." The look on her face told me I just blew any hope of a good fathers day present.


MYSTIC said...

I'm sorry she took her spill but you know she will learn from it. That in turn will keep her safer in the future.

Mossy Stone said...

I'd say you're right, Lowk. Never try to apply logic and truth to children. They can't handle it. Otherwise, you set yourself up for a lifetime of gifts like hula girl lamps and flashing star trek neckties.

Danikabur said...

Awwww *hugs* to you guys. Poor Kidlet.

Penny said...

"Otherwise, you set yourself up for a lifetime of gifts like hula girl lamps and flashing star trek neckties."

This comment from the man that has a Jean-Luc Picard tie AND an Enterprise tie...

Both of which, I might add, were purchased before he had any children.

Glad to hear the bumpbs and bruises weren't too bad. Give her a hug and congratulate her for being so brave.

lowk said...

Thanks all. I'll pass on the hugs for each of you. But believe me. That kid knows how to milk this for all it's worth. Thank goodness she not that good of an actress yet.

Chris said...

And what is wrong with a flashing Star Trek necktie?

lowk said...

I always thouhgt they should've made a tie with a Romulin ship that would disappear.

Chris said...

LOL, a tie with a cloaking device. Good idea!