Monday, May 15, 2006


Another Mothers Day has come and gone and I hope all you folks had a good day. I haven't had a reason to really put any effort into the holiday since my mom passed back in '69. Granted I had a step mom but she was a bitch. Having the girls is a fun way to enjoy the day. I enjoy taking them shopping to buy for their mom. Each has their own strong point as far as gift giving. Munchkin knows what clothes to give (As callie about her B-day gift) without any help form me. And Kidlet knows the right flowers and arrangement and how to pick a card that sends the best message. I think holidays will get easier as they get older. I'll just send them to the mall when ever gifts are needed.
Well, so much for Mothers Day. I'll let callie tell you folks about it. I'm off for more coffee and to enjoy a cool quiet morning. There's only an hour left before all hell breaks loose and the day begins. Later


Callie said...

You always make my Mother's Day a good one.


lowk said...

Thats because I love you