Friday, June 17, 2005

A great woman

Just thought I'd give a little ptaise to my wife for being such a good woman. She takes care of me and the kids, and tries to keep the house clean and works hard. And even forgives my flaws. I'm lucky to have her. Granted this post will probably get me some really good sex later but that has nothing to do with posting this. ;) She has even agreed to let me buy a new motorcycles for my comute to work. I really wanted another harley but decided on a honda and with her blessing can put the difference between the two into my evo thats in the garage. That way I"ll get that one up and on the road too. Like I said, she's a good woman. (Now if I can get her to pose on the bike for me.) I might even share some of the more decent pics if the turn out.


Callie said...

Awwww . . .

you're entirely too sweet.

I'll pose for you on the bike when I lose 20 lbs. You have to figure out a way to help me lose the weight, though.


Larry said...

I think he trying to help you do that already. After all, the really good sex he is talking about, is also good exercise. So the more you do it the more exercise you are getting.

(Lowk, hope that helps)

Callie said...

Yeah, Larry - that's what I was hinting at.

You're about as subtle as a 10 lb sledge hammer.

Okay, baby - sex. Tonight. Our bed. Or the shower. Or the dining room table. You pick.

Larry said...

I know but some men don't take hints well, so I was just trying to be helpful.

Larry said...

by directing the comment toward you I don't step on his toes, you see

Callie said...

Oh heck - step away! He's tough.


Larry said...

that's what I'm afraid of. :0

lowk said...

Not to worry, I don't need hints. And Callie knows I"m not particular where I spread her.

Callie said...

Ummm - yeah.

I think we're heading into the TMI territory, here, sweetie.

Larry said...

Citrus once said to me, "There's no such thing as too far."

I miss that lemon.
