Friday, June 24, 2005

Question to the public

Just a quick question to all that have read my posts and comments. It has been brought to my attention ( from a female close to me ) that I might be a little too rough around the edges and not as tasteful in my comments as I could be. Please give a lil feedback, I'm use to some real wild sites and don't wish to offend anyone here. I promise no reprisals or beheadings. Well maybe just one.


Danikabur said...

Sometimes it can be 'rough' which can be a bit of a turn off...

I mentioned that before to you I think...

lowk said...

piont taken. thanks

Mark said...

Personally, I think the comments are rough, but I think that's what makes you, you.. although I have never met you so I can't be certain.

I say maintain the course, unless Callie's the one getting on you about it, in which case it's better to do as she says.

Mark said...

But what the hell do I know, I'm half pissed-up right now.

lowk said...

Just trying to improve myself mark. but thanks. I'll alway be me. Thanks

lowk said...
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Chris said...

Be yourself. If you want to improve yourself define what improve means to you and do it.

lowk said...

good advice. Your a wise man Obie- Wan

Larry said...

If it is someone close to you and you don't want to offend them, change your style a little. But, if they are not offended and you enjoy being rough around the edges, keep on doing it.

Personally, I think you are f-in hilarious.