Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One More Nail in My Coffin

Well, the dreaded big five-O came and went. Guess the angel of death has a heart after-all. That or a very big mean streak. I won't know till later. Callie was good to me (as Always) I got hunting stuff and tools. Everything needed to keep my testosterone level up. Could have save some money and just bought me some Viagra. All in all it was a good B-day. We even went to Reno and saw Jeff Dunham. For anyone reading this who doesn't know of him look him up on you tube, he's FUNNY. So with one more year under my melt (and 20lbs over it) I'll say good-bye for now.


Callie said...

Glad you liked your presents, sweetheart.

And I'll keep th viagra in mind for your next birthday. However, we'll have to find someplace to stash the kiddies.

Love you!!!

MYSTIC said...

Well let's just talk about the twenty lbs...Let me know if that slows you down any big fella. Happy Belated birthday. I already got my Christmas Present from Mo...but I'm not allowed to let on I know what it is yet.