Monday, May 22, 2006

She did it again!

The last time I posted about my kids, kidlet had taken a fall on her bicycle. Well, this Saturday she took a fall from the third step of our stair case. The poor thing was so excited about her friends sleeping over and the fun they where having she for got to hold the rail as she came running down the stairs. I heard the noise and saw Callie go running and then rush kidlet into the bathroom. I went in there was blood all over. Callie is not real good with emergencies so she let me take over to see how bad it was. The kid knocked one of her front adult teeth out. Apparently she landed on her face and knocked the tooth out along with a bloody nose and a fat lip and reestablishing the mouse that just healed. Good thing Callie managed to get hold of a dentist to reinsert the tooth. Looks like she'll keep it if all goes well, but she will have to have a root canal since the nerves were severed. Poor kid was sooo embarrassed. I tell you. Seeing your child crying and covered in blood is not for the weak. It broke my heart not being able to stop her pain. Kidlet managed to come through it like a trooper. Hopefully she learned her lesson and that munchkin learns too. the pics are of kidlet after the crash and then the fall. She is definately her mothers daughter.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Another Mothers Day has come and gone and I hope all you folks had a good day. I haven't had a reason to really put any effort into the holiday since my mom passed back in '69. Granted I had a step mom but she was a bitch. Having the girls is a fun way to enjoy the day. I enjoy taking them shopping to buy for their mom. Each has their own strong point as far as gift giving. Munchkin knows what clothes to give (As callie about her B-day gift) without any help form me. And Kidlet knows the right flowers and arrangement and how to pick a card that sends the best message. I think holidays will get easier as they get older. I'll just send them to the mall when ever gifts are needed.
Well, so much for Mothers Day. I'll let callie tell you folks about it. I'm off for more coffee and to enjoy a cool quiet morning. There's only an hour left before all hell breaks loose and the day begins. Later

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life ain't boring with kids.

Well it seems that my off-spring has given me more to post. (Be sides post nasal drip. We're sick AGAIN!) Tuesday while I was home sick with munchin, kidlet had started the day Great. She got her self up and made her own breakfast and was especially quite because she knew we were sick. Then she rode her bike and got herself to school for the first time. I was so proud. She tried soo hard to try and make things easy for me. When she called at 3:00 pm I was feeling better. But when I heard her at the door I was surprised to see this look of confusion and hurt on her pretty face. She tried to tell me what happened in a shaky voice but was unclear. I pulled her bike in the house and she hugged me and started crying. Apparently she crashed for the first time on her bike. Once I understood what she was saying I checked her for injuries. Poor thing managed to ride two blocks to get home with only a small scrap on her left cheek and a mouse under her left eye but the worst was some bruises and scraps on her left shoulder. Both hands took a little scrap but that was enough. Munckin saw her big sis in pain and crying and jumped right in getting band-aid and cold compresses to make her sis feel better. I tried to make kidlet feel better with the age old bikers law. "There are only two types of bikers. The ones who've gone down, and Those that are going down." The look on her face told me I just blew any hope of a good fathers day present.