Friday, December 09, 2005

who? Me??

I would've never thought of myself as slutty. More like very friendly.


Kal said...


You are my hero...

Penny said...

Conversation between Mossy and I when we saw your results:

Me: Wow, lowk beat your score.

Mossy: Well, he WAS a marine.

(PS Please tell Callie that for some reason I can't open the comments on her blog. when I do, it locks up my explorer. I'm not ignoring her!)

Steph said...

Wow Lowk. Isn't that picture just like looking into a mirror for you?


I'm going to take that quiz. I'll get a loooow score. lol.

~ Stephie

Steph said...

Yup, just took the quiz. I only got 31%. lol. As i figured!

MYSTIC said...

YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED! along with Callie, and motherdearest amd DANKI,COME VISIT
So your a slut...Calli said you were but I didn't believe her. Oh your her slut...I get it.

Callie said...

LOL Penny!

Yeah, I married a slut. I haven't taken the test yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm going to be really low on that one!

Penny - as soon as I put up a new post, see if you can post then. If not, I'm not sure what I need to do . . .

lowk said...

Glad to see no one was surprised by my score.

Stephie, if I really looked like that pic my score would've been higher.