Sunday, November 06, 2005

Just MotherDear

Here's to show MD I'll do anything she asks of me. If you'd like more MD, I'll need your e-mail address. ;)


lowk said...

Callie suggested some other poses for you. Would you like edited on not????

Callie said...

MD - you never sent me your e-mail!

And don't you worry - any kind of pic you want, I'll make sure to send you.

lowk said...

Thanks MotherDear. You can always send it to me and I'll forward it. My email address is correct.

Callie said...

I got your e-mail, MD, and I responded. The original one may have originally gone to my bulk mail folder. It does that sometimes. But I made sure to save your e-mail to my address book, so it shouldn't happen again.

lowk said...

How'd you know mae west was one of my favorite fantasy women?

Kal said...

Get a Room you two (or three???)

This is soooo distrubing, being my mom and all...

chuckle chuckle

Penny said...

Unfortunately, no pictures of Mossy and I yet - we need a night without children and when both of us are actually home.

Though I *did* send you those ones from our cruise a while ago, Callie. Did you share those with Lowk? Do I need to send them again? :oP

lowk said...

Yes penny please send them again. To me! Callie is hogging them all to herself.

Callie said...

Yes, I am. They're MINE MINE MINE!


Actually - I did show them to hubby. But I was worried if I forwarded them to him, he'd short out the keyboard from all the drool.

lowk said...

drool comes from the mouth sweetheart. But that isn't whats gonna short out the keyboard. >)

Penny said...

Let me guess, lowk, you just happened to be cleaning "it" and it went off, right? :P

Mossy and I are home alone this weekend and are hoping to take some nice pictures (and some not-so-nice, if'n ya know what I mean..nudge, nudge!).

Will send you the best ones.

lowk said...

we'll be looking forward to them. Maybe Callie an I can take some more too. ;) Have fun.

lowk said...

Anything you want!!! >D

Penny said...

Your daughter (me?) is swapping naughty bits (I really hope you meant naughty PICS) with her sister's (Callie?) husband and your secret lover (Lowk?).

or was that

Your daughter (Callie is swapping naughty bits with her sister's (me) husband and your secret lover (Mossy).

And when the hell did we all move to the Ozarks???

Penny said...

Which question was that? There were three in my last comment.


lowk said...

I'm getting confused.

Steph said...


That is certainly something interesting to come back to.

You crazy folk sure get into a lot of trouble when I'm on hiatus.

Lana said...

oh my oh my

MYSTIC said...

Happy Birthday Marine....Put your clothes back on ,,,your out of uniform

lowk said...

Hi, stephie! Join the party!

Steph said...

How could I not join, Lowk? :P lol

Penny said...

Hey, lowk, honey, check your wife's email.

Something there ya might want to see.

lowk said...

Penny its hard to concentrate on the revolution with your pics in my head.(guess which one?) >)

Penny said...

Umm, I dunno, Lowk, which one? :oP

Maybe I shoulda been Mata Hari. LOL

lowk said...

Mata Hari never looked that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Penny said...


Callie said...

Oh - he's DEFINATELY a charmer, Penny. He'll charm the pants right off ya, as a matter of fact. ;-)

lowk said...

Oh, if I only could.

Penny said...

It's okay, lowk, if you look at the picture again, I wasn't wearing pants. :oP

Guess it already worked, huh?

lowk said...

I think I need to take a closer look. 8D

lowk said...

she definately got the iron hot!

Penny said...

Motherdear, I was in a skirt...sort of, kinda, but not really. Hard to explain but totally not perverted, I swear!

As for whether I was typing or ironing. I don't iron. I can't. I have a complete and total inability to iron that leads to train-track creases and ironed-in wrinkles.

Mossy irons. I do, however, type. Sometimes without pants, too. :oP

lowk said...


lowk said...

Since we're giving you grey hair, is there anything else you'd like?? >)

Chris said...

I do not know if you noticed or not Lowk, but you are naked and you have a smiling cloud on your butt.

lowk said...

yeah, thats happy gas.