Sunday, January 07, 2007

Weld Supervisor

That my new title. As of tomorrow I will be working for a new company in a new line of work. I have been hired to oversee the swing shift crew of welders. I am no longer a working leadman. This is a really big step up for me. Even with my old bonuses I will be making close to $6.00 more an hour. The hours will be quite different but it will help with the kids until they are old enough to get themselves to school. I also get my weekends back. :D I am a little nervous about this. I've been in charge before but in a company that I new them business. Once I make probation I'll feel better. My old boss didn't take my leaving very well. In fact I've dumped women who took it better. I did do the right thing and gave him plenty of notice and tried to do the best I could while I still worked there. Callie even suggested that once things settle down at the new job I open my own repair business on the side. I've mentioned it to the customers as I worked on their trucks and got a really good response from all of them. One customer even offered me six inspection jobs right of the bat. This looks to be an interesting year and hopefully one of the best years my little family has had. Wish me luck. I'll keep things up to date as things progress.


Callie said...

You'll do wonderfully. You always do.


Danikabur said...

That's awesome Lowk! Good luck (even though I'm sure you don't need it)!

lowk said...

Thankx dani, I've been there two weeks now and things are starting to click. This looks to be a evry challenging job with lots of rewards.

MYSTIC said...

You got the MOJO...the best of luck to you..I hope you really like it...

Chris said...

I hope the new job is going well.

MYSTIC said...

What you forgot how to type?